How can I help my son get into trouble at school?

Yes you read that correctly.

Those of you who know us will wonder if there is anything else I can do to annoy the school further. Just asking them to obey the law and provide inclusion supports is proving too hard for too many.

The thing is, the cool boys get into trouble. That’s why they’re cool. Well, they are 13. So Mr S wants to be cool too. I guess he thinks he will be part of the gang that way. Makes sense to me.

So it’s my job – as helpful mama – to come up with some ideas for how he can get into enough trouble to get some cred, but not so much trouble he actually gets into trouble, if that makes sense.

Fortunately I’ve had plenty of experience getting into trouble with bureaucracies in the last 10 years. Something to do with not being able to be told what to do. Especially when my kid is treated differently, as if he is special or something.

So yesterday he wore jewellery to school. That worked quite well because he was told to remove it and of course couldn’t. The whole class noticed the fruitless struggle to lift both arms up to try to undo the neck chain. So it stayed dangling around his neck.

What bad thing can he do next week?

It can’t be obvious stuff like driving the wheelchair too fast because that really gets him into trouble. Although he has my approval for doing that when teachers are not looking and there is plenty of space.

It’s hard enough trying to live within (or gently bend) rules and not get into trouble, especially when the world is not inclusive.

But I’m amazed how much harder it is to try to get into trouble, albeit carefully and with credibility.


Filed under activevoice1

14 responses to “How can I help my son get into trouble at school?

  1. Hubby used to wear different coloured socks every day, despite the uniform rule. He still made it to school captain cos the other kids thought he was cool continuously flaunting the rule. This one might work for Mr. S – i can’t see the teachers taking his socks off, and there is no use asking him to do it. You might get into trouble, though…

  2. maybe putting some stickers on the chair that are anti authorities. Don’t know. That’s a hard one.

  3. Maybe a cutting edge hair style or some hair gel? And maybe put one of those greeting cards that sings when you open it into one of his books so it makes a little music when he opens it (pick one with a good song.)

  4. Susan, Mum to Molly

    Not sure I have much to offer, with my eldest just having started Kindergarten and not really being ‘up’on the high-school scene…

    I can report though that big sister Lucy (5 yrs 10 months) has taken to wearing her (compulsory) school hat inside out.

    I suspect that, for now, she’s a rebel without a cause (and technically not breaking any rules) – I fear what is to come in about 8-10 years time…

  5. I was always a little bit secretly pleased when my kids got into trouble for rule breaking because that meant that part of their life was perfectly normal!

  6. activevoice1

    Thanks for all suggestions & comments. Good to know there are people keen to help my kid get into trouble at school – as if just having me for his mother isn’t enough!

  7. treadmarkz

    You’ve probably thought of this already but I am warming to the idea of simply tying a sign to his chair protesting the schools “inability to provide inclusion supports” as you said above. Start a movement. Be a real rebel.

  8. Matt

    as a fifteen year old high school student, I regard myself as pretty damn high up the ‘popularity chat’ so to speak. All this took was a boost of confidence, an urge to make more friends and some type of hobby that’d impress peers. I decided to start piano lessons. (Yes I know what you’re thinking; nerdy, laughed at..) Wrong. Covering the music on the piano and singing some big pop songs in the friday lunch time performance soon made me a star in the school. I even get kids running up to me telling me how good I am. You don’t have to be bad to be cool. Just be yourself, interesting and confident! Thanks, hope this helped!

  9. LeAnn D.R.

    Can I ask what kinds of inclusion supports the school is not providing? I am a special education teacher in California and am very interested in schools that insist they don’t have to provide inclusion supports to students–please let me know–maybe I can help—

  10. talk back to the principal… i am still in trouble for THAT!

  11. trouble maker

    go in classes shouting n screaming random stuff. stick sticky notes all round the classroom saying the teacher sucks. sit on your fone in class when the teacher asks for it say no my mam told me to bring it incase i get kidnaped i am still living it down for them

  12. marlyann

    Okay, So I’m in class right now trying to Get I.S.S And , so far it’s NOT working me and my friend are both trying and me nd her are trouble makers when we don’t try and now we can’t when we actually want to-_-

  13. Trent givens

    Call ur x a bitch
    Hang on door frames
    Do wat u want wen u want

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